Spill Costs

Liberty Mutual Logo

According to published research by the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, same-level slips and falls represent nearly 11 percent of all workers compensation claims and over 13 percent of all claims cost. Slips and falls represent the highest type of workers compensation claim. The direct cost of falls on the same level represents $4.4 billion, or 11.46 percent of the total $38.7 billion. Click logo for full article.


The second leading cause of all workplace injuries in 2005, accounting for 13.6 percent of direct costs associated with such injuries. Workers who are injured as a result of a slip and fall accident spend more days away from work (median: 8 days) than those who are injured as a result of other causes (median: 6 days). Most troubling, nearly 30 percent of same-level falls result in more than 21 workdays lost. And the problem certainly goes beyond a loss of productivity. Click logo for full article.

CDC Logo

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [2009], the incidence rate of lost workday injuries from slips, trips, and falls (STFs) on the same level in hospitals was 38.2 per 10,000 employees industries combined (20.1 per 10,000 employees). Second most common cause of lost-workday injuries in hospitals. Also check out this CDC link on the 10 Leading Causes of Nonfatal Injuries Treated.

DOJ logo

Over 540,000 Slip-Fall injuries, requiring hospital care, occur in in our country each year. These falls resulting in injuries count for more than 300,000 disabling injuries per year. One in three serious bone fractures for seniors result in death, within one year of the accident and Slip-Falls account for over 20,000 fatalities each year. It is the second leading cause of accidental death and disability after automobile accidents. Click logo for full article.